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(1 edit) (+2)

got to say, it's quite interesting jumpscare, and the differnet endings are cool. but the whole process is too short, hope to see more bros


Loved the variety of endings this game has! The jumpscare was also quite terrifying. I had a blast playing this game. Amazing work!

(1 edit) (+2)

While short, it really packs a ton of suspense when scrubbing up in the dark, and I really enjoyed accidentally finding all the endings.


NO CURTAIN? the water rot is REAL. also…WHAT IS THAT THING?! 

10/10 game dude! truly my worst fear manifested itself.keep em comin!


Your own mind can kill you...

Das ist definitiv nicht nur eine Kindheitsangst!

this one was hella good. Hate showering with my eyes closed

Good project!


Nice short game with various different endings. I would love to see a longer game but in a similar setting where you carry out a simple task with different endings. Here's my video with all endings: 


not bad, but how to get the second secret ending


good Game!!

The description has my thoughts on the game.

funny game

This  Game is Amazing keep up the good work! 😎💯🔥

(👍 or 👎) 2 RANDOM SCARY GAMES #15


cool lil game

(1 edit) (+2)

Your monster kept touching me in the shower 😐


i just wanted to take my shower bruh😭

(1 edit) (+2)

this game is so simple, i love it


You Walked Naked Outside


Loved the endings and the scares. 

Great game

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Great little game! Finished all endings XD

My girlfriend enjoyed this-- and she got all 5 endings.


this was super creepy I loved it this was made perfectly, i love the art style too!


Nice little game and fun easter eggs short but good.


Nice game


thank you :)

(1 edit) (+2)

There's no way I got Rick Rolled by the game


that welcome back msg was a link to rickroll?




the monster looks very gooberish silly even


So Short, but so good! The two secret endings were awesome xD and there is quite a lot to achieve for something so short! Good job =)

Game #2

I will be playing this live tonight 1/27 around 5 PM EST =).


creepy! Got all 3 main endings and 1 of 2 secret endings. Can't figure out the second one.


This Game Got ME Good! Everyone has had this feeling while washing your hair! You pulled it off wonderfully!


Really nice and tense game! I really enjoyed the toilet ending!

(1 edit) (+2)

good game pretty good jumpscare


The ARG is so lit guys, loved every part of it! load the game after 100%, u wont regtet it:^D thanks author this made my day and saved my dog from breast cancer 

thanks for playing, epic gamer

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